segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

SOBERBO!Dedicado aos meus dois fieis companheiros que partiram:Tiko e Pirata.

The vimeo film festival and awards has its winners. Vimeo turned into “the” host for creative and artistic videos on the web, so the awards + festival work as a “celebration of the best original and creative video that has premiered online”. The goal was to “reward the individual creators behind online video and acknowledge the internet as a quality medium of expression and distribution”. It was about time this happened.. the goal was similar to Youtube Play i posted some time ago, that was supposed to raise awareness on this topic. Vimeo did a great job.
Here is my selection:
- Winner Best Video

Last Minutes with ODEN

- Winner Experimental

oops from Chris Beckman

- Winner Music Video

Liars “Scissor” from A Bruntel

on Vimeo.

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